6 Morning Routines to Success Decoded from the Highly Successful People

Waking up to success can be true!

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Saying that you’re “not a morning person” is not only false, but unhealthy for a human being, Humans are not nocturnal, no matter what your edgy night shift mates say. Not only is staying awake in the night tiring, it makes you less intelligent and gets you a bit father from that finish line on the road to success.

The most successful people take full advantage of their biology, making full use of the morning where the human body is at its most energetic. Famous billionaires and leaders alike are religiously following their morning routines to success. These simple habits set them apart from the rest. Here is what your CEO is doing that makes him so all knowing:


  1. Wake up really, really early – Naturally, this morning routine to success is the firs thing you need to do. Set your alarm to 4am to 5am in the morning. This gives you a lot of room to do the next things I am about to mention.


  1. Work out – Getting a good hour of exercise done gives you a boost of energy that will last throughout the day. Definitely way better than that espresso at midnight when you’re looking half-dead.
Photo by Steve Erixon on Unsplash


  1. Plan your day – Get the most out of your day by mapping out your activities and strictly sticking to your schedule. Set your goals, your breaks, and do’s and don’ts that will keep you on the path. There is no better time to do this than in the morning where everything is nice and quiet.


  1. Load up on food – Never rush out the door with just a biscuit and coffee. This is what keeps hard workers stuck to just being plain workers. Having a championship level breakfast is key to having the energy to taking on the rest of the day, not to mention keeping your mind on your tasks ahead, and improvements instead of your growling tummy.
Photo by Gabriel Gurrola on Unsplash


  1. Meditate – This goes hand in hand with planning. There is a reason that Buddhist monks are so calm, collected, and able to tolerate anything. They also have zero chance of going insane, not like the numbers we get in western society today. Meditation allows you to visualize your day ahead and focus on the positive, and get your mind set on your successes.


  1. Hardest tasks first – There is that one thing everyday that you dread doing. Most people save it for last because they think that postponing the inevitable is a good idea. One of the most important morning routine to success is to face the hardest tasks first. By focusing on and finishing your hardest task first, the rest of the day is easy as pie, and gets you a good nights sleep for the next morning, and the cycle goes on.


Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash