How Much Protein Does Your Body Really Absorb in One Go?

You should know the amount of protein your body needs


Many health enthusiasts believe that the higher the amount of protein they consume, the better would be their bodybuilding efforts. If you are among them, you should read on to know how much protein your body really absorb in one go.


The Magic Numbers

As per a professor of nutrition and metabolism at the University of Texas Medical Branch, Doug Paddon-Jones, you need to consume just 25-35 grams of protein in one go. He said, “Skeletal muscle protein synthesis is maximized by 25 to 35 grams of high-quality protein during a meal.”


Understand Protein Synthesis

Protein synthesis means building and repairing the muscles. As exercises create micro-tears in your body, you need to consume protein after an exercise session to help repair these tears and ensure that your muscles grow stronger and bigger.


The Amount of Protein You Need To Consume 

If you consume less than 25 grams, the muscle tears might remain there, and if you consume more than 35 grams, it will go to other parts of your body or down the toilet. You can get 25 grams of protein from a scoop of whey protein or a cup of Greek yoghurt and a handful of nuts. Read the labels to know the protein content a snack has.


Why Knowing the Exact Number is Vital?

You should know the amount of protein your body needs so that you do not overdo it. If you overdo it, you might not get enough of other nutrients like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats.


Does Timing Matters?

Many people assume that they need to consume protein instantly right after an exercise session. They should know that sensitivity to protein lasts at least 24 hours after an exercise session. So, there is no need to rush things. It is also advised that you take 25-35 grams of protein four to five times a day (one or two hours pre- or post-workout) for the best results.


Being smart and knowing how much protein your body needs is a good way to make yourself healthier and get your dream body. So, now you know the amount of protein you need. We hope it will help you to achieve your health goals. Good Luck!


The information in this article is for informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a qualified health professional regarding any inquiries you may have about medical concerns.