Joe Rogan Challenges Himself with a Intense 20-Minute Ice Bath

Instead of his usual sauna sessions

Joe Rogan Challenges Himself with a 20-Minute Ice Bath
Joe Rogan took an ice bath. Credit: Joe Rogan

Joe Rogan – Where COVID-19 is rampant in many regions of the world and people are spending 8 hours a day staring at the screen on their work desks, it is not uncommon to turn into a sleepless and unhealthy mess. To test their limits, people have been challenging themselves with ice bats, saunas, and marathons.


And recently, Joe Rogan, the 53-year-old UFC commentator, and podcaster decided to do the same. Instead of his usual sauna sessions, he went for an ice bath and shared a video of yesterday morning. And he filmed it simply because he wanted the pressure of lasting longer!

For the first 10 minutes of the video, Joe Rogan continues to take deep breaths. However, after the 10th minute, he can really be seen shivering badly. Finally, after 20 minutes, Joe Rogan jumps out of the bath and falls on the ground exclaiming, “Holy shit, oh fuck, I can’t move.”


He further added, “I don’t know if that was smart, but I just did 20 minutes”. Why 20 minutes? Well, that is because his friend’s son did 20 minutes and so Joe Rogan wanted to know if he could too.

Joe Rogan also stated that he now enjoys the switch between a sauna and an ice bath. According to him, a sauna is certainly good for you and is challenging, but it is “way easier to endure than the ice bath!”


Ice bath of Joe Rogan


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Several studies have shown that an ice bath can have numerous health benefits. For instance, a cold shower alone can boost circulation, help with depression, make one alert, and recover muscles. However, an ice bath certainly does not come without its risks. For instance, “after drop” is considered as the biggest risk associated with freezing cold water.

Regarding this, a sports physician, Dr. Garry Couanis notes that it is possible to make the body more resilient to an ice bath. However, one can never fully eliminate the risks.


In other news, Conor McGregor was also seen pushing his body’s limits in a new Instagram post.


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