Why Can’t You Get Over a Hangover as You Age

 It feels like all your super powers are gone

Photo by Fred Mouniguet on Unsplash

Ah, the good old days. Remember when you were 22, jumping out of bed at 10am after binge drinking til 4am last night. Now you’re 32, and you wake up with a splitting headache, and nausea after getting moderately hammered. Your body changes as you get older to cope with the very different things we do when we were 22 and 32 and we have to face the fact that there are a some things most of us can’t do anymore. Getting absolutely smashed is probably one of them.

It’s not fair getting older, but here are some ways on how to get over a hangover the older we get.


Your body is changing

Just as when you were a child experiencing puberty, you also get past your prime. You gain fat and lose muscle mass as you get older and Alcohol is much faster absorbed in water-rich – ie younger bodies. And older people dehydrate easier due to them having less water concentration in them. Remember to drink a lot of fluids to keep your body always hydrated.


Hold on to your liver

Your liver is responsible for metabolizing alcohol and helping your body clear it out of your system. When you get older, your liver produces less enzymes so they become less efficient, hence the nastier hangover.


Recovery time

As you get older, to get over a hangover will be much harder due to your body re-prioritizing its agenda. Your whole body finds it harder to cope with sickness, strain, and stress when you go past 30. This also includes a heavy night of drinking.


Not like it used to

Lets face it. When you get older you have a lot more things to do than get smashed. You got work, family, or business covering most of your hours so you really don’t have enough time to drink anymore. Alcohol is something that your body learns to tolerate the more you drink it. So when you drink less, your body adapts to it and struggles to cope with the torrent that a blow-out drinking session will entail.

While we wont recommend this, to get over a hangover for good you need to keep drinking at the same pace and quantity from the time you were 22 onward. This will mean you die early though. Joking aside, a healthy lifestyle will actually do better since if you maintain your physique and health just like when you were young, 32 old you will be able to get over a hangover just as quick and easy when you were 22.