Ye Turns Down Apple’s $100M Deal After DONDA 2 Stem Player Success

West Claims Stem Player’s One-Day US$2.2 Million Revenue

Ye Turns Down Apple's $100 Million Deal After Success of Donda 2 Stem Player
Ye’s DONDA 2 only available on Stem Player.

One of the most news-worthy celebrities of today’s times, Kanye West, a.k.a., Ye knows how to grab news almost daily. The rapper has added fuel to the already hot streaming wars with his Stem Player that will exclusively release DONDA 2.

Ye’s DONDA 2 only available on Stem Player.

Ye recently shared on social media that his Stem Player had earned US$ 2.2 million in sales in a single day. He also noted that his team wouldn’t have made the same money if DONDA 2 was out on any other streaming services.


Calling it “the first Yeezy Tech product,” Ye wrote, “To earn the $2.2 million we made on the first day on the stem player, the album would have had to stream 500 million times.. We did more revenue on stemplayer, without the album even being out than we would have done with the album being out on streaming.”


Only last week, Kanye West had announced that DONDA 2, his upcoming album set to release on February 22, will be released exclusively on the Stem Player.

One of the reasons Ye launched the streaming platform is to help give more control to the artists. Explaining that, he said, “Today artists get just 12% of the money the industry makes. It’s time to free music from this oppressive system. It’s time to take control and build our own. You can download new music from You can play 4 different elements of the track: vocals, drums, bass, and music. It also has an MP3 player available. We currently have 67,000 available and are making 3,000 a day.”


According to reliable reports, Ye has so much trust in Stem Player that he turned down a $100M offer from Apple to bring the DONDA 2 to Apple Music.

Though we have seen platform exclusive or restricted albums in the past, if Ye has declined the huge amount offered by Apple for DONDA 2, it reiterates that the streaming wars will be hotter than ever in the near future. It is also possible that Stem Player might help initiate a new form of relationship between recording artists and their fans wherein the middle-man, i.e., the streamers, are removed from the equation.

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