A Breakthrough was Recently Announced Regarding the Vaping-Related Illness

A substance in the products has been pointed out by the CDC

A Breakthrough was Recently Announced Regarding the Vaping-Related Illness

Lung fluid samples from 29 patients with lung damage from 10 states in the U.S. all contained the same compound, said today the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The finding represents a huge step forward for the ongoing investigation into the serious and unexplained lung injuries that impacted users of e-cigarettes across the nation.

The CDC, which is investigating the vaping-related illness, also considers the drug, called vitamin E acetate, a “chemical of concern.” As of November 5, 2019, the it has been reported that 39 people have died and 2,051 cases are being investigated.

The agency says vitamin E acetate is a substance contained in lots of typical household products, including foods, supplements, and even creams for the skin.


CDC states in their website, “Vitamin E acetate usually does not cause harm when ingested as a vitamin supplement or applied to the skin. However, previous research suggests when vitamin E acetate is inhaled, it may interfere with normal lung functioning.”

In September, chemistry professor Michelle Francl told The Washington Post that the oil may be good for skin care, but when heated up, it can behave almost like a grease. Breathing in vaporised grease can seriously affect the lungs, as you might expect, but scientists are still trying to figure out the exact mechanism that causes the damage to the lungs.


Researchers believe the substance has been applied as a thickener to e-cigarette products and is especially attractive to people making illegal drugs because it is like tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) oil. THC is the high-inducing substance in marijuana.

Previously, vitamin E acetate was linked to the vaping-related illness at the beginning of September, when some state agencies found the substance in samples of vaping items used by people who later became seriously ill. Nevertheless, finding it in goods was not the same as finding it in the patients themselves.


In this case, researchers looked at fluid from injury-stricken patients’ lungs and found vitamin E acetate in each sample. THC was present in 82 percent of the lung fluid samples, and nicotine was detected in 62 percent of the samples, indicating that the vast majority of patients vaporised THC products and many used nicotine and THC products.


In the specimens, the CDC was searching for other contaminants, including mineral oils and plant oils, but found nothing to cause concern.

The finding of today does not mean that the investigation is over or that the only cause of the vaping-related illness is vitamin E acetate. In the continuing outbreak, other chemicals could also have played a role. The research of the CDC — and an ongoing inquiry into the epidemic of injuries by the Food and Drug Administration — continues. The company continues to advise people not to use any THC vaping products.


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