A Complete Guide To Dressing Up For Job Interviews

That first impression is very crucial

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Good news: your dream company called you back and invited you for an interview!  But one of the questions you will ask yourself: what exactly do you wear so you could give a great impression as soon as you step in the meeting room?

It will only take seconds to make an impression, and this will carry onto the rest of the interview, so giving off a great first impression is very crucial.  As soon as you step in the door, your interviewer/s will already start observing on how you look, so take dressing seriously mate!

Do your research

Before you even search through your wardrobe and browse your clothes, you should know first what style you are looking for.  To do this, research on the company’s work culture.  Do they have a cool creative work environment?  Are they into that business casual vibe?  Do they strictly enforce the business formal attire?  Find out and adjust your outfit accordingly.  You can check out their careers page on their website and even their social media accounts, or if you know someone who works there, ask him/her.  If you’re really, really uncertain, ask the HR department for the dress code.  It is always wiser to be cautious and careful.

Observe safe outfit equations

Once you have the information about the company’s work culture, selecting the right outfit should be easy to figure out.


For a business professional environment, wear:

A suit jacket

Button-down shirt

Suit pants


Oxfords or Derbies (or even Monk Straps)

Photo by Andrew Robinson on Unsplash


If the company has that business casual setting, put on:

A sleek blazer

Button-down shirt (here again, because it’s a business attire staple)

Tapered chinos


Photo by Jeremy Beadle on Unsplash


Startups and most creative companies have a very casual atmosphere.  In this case, you can opt for a more laid back outfit:

Dress shirt


Loafers or any other type of leather shoes

In some work places, you can also rock your trusty sneakers, too—just stick with white or black sneakers though.

Photo by Eliud Gil Samaniego on Unsplash


Keep in mind  that it is always safe to wear smart clothes than casual outfits.  For job interviews, it’s better to be overdressed than wearing something to casual for the workplace.  The trend now is to wear nice fitting clothes, avoid baggy and loose fits.  Bring a leather bag or satchel.  Please do not bring a big backpack (This is just an interview, you do not need much).  Opt for neutral colors and avoid wearing loud prints.

Grooming should always be on point

After picking the perfect interview attire, make sure they are properly ironed before you wear them.  Also, make sure that your hair is neat and tidy.  Your facial hair should be properly groomed and shaved.

Please trim and clean your nails because some people will also be observing those details too.  More importantly avoid wearing heavy perfume as this may intoxicate your interviewer.  You wouldn’t want him/her to pause the interview session to open the door just to let some air in (That will be so embarrassing).

The right attitude

It is also important to maintain a confident persona, confident enough to let the interviewer know that you are serious with your statements.  Even if you have passed an impressive resume to the hiring manager, the main factor of the hiring decision will ultimately come from the short interview with the boss.

Good luck and do your very best!