Big Dick Energy is Taking Over the World— Embrace It

It might be somewhere between a meme and an actual concept.

Photo by Charles Deluvio ???? on Unsplash


You must be living under a rock all this time if you are not aware of what big dick energy is; but in case you are still not sure about what it is, then let’s dive right in to it.

Big dick energy aka BDE does not literally mean that you have enormous dick, it is a concept used for people who carry themselves with confidence, yet they are not at all conceited in any way. When you have BDE your aura is so positive that everyone around you ends up liking you as a person. Even though the basis of this concept is around male genitalia; you do not even need to be a male to have big dick energy because it is all about your personality and who you are as a person. Anyone can have the big dick energy, even your grandma!

The thing about big dick energy is that you knew what it was in your head but you never had the right words in your head to explain it but thank god BDE solved that problem.

Let’s dive into the history of big dick energy aka BDE, shall we? It all started on 8th June when the twitter user @imbobswaget tweeted about Anthony Bourdain after his death. He tweeted and I quote “we’re talking about how Anthony Bourdain had big dick energy which is what he would have wanted” The tweet gained attention from a lot of people but almost all the people on the internet became aware of the big dick energy concept when Ariana Grande ended up tweeting about her fiancé Pete Davidson’s huge endowment, which by the way she deleted but, the fans already got the hold of it and since then people started tweeting about big dick energy and who in their opinion seems to possess it.

Chris Evans, Serena Williams, Anne Hathaway, Tom Hardy, Harry Styles, Rihanna, David Bowie, Mark Ruffalo, Adele, Oprah, George Clooney, Ellen DeGeneres and Cate Blanchett are the most talked about celebrities when it comes to having big dick energy. Plus, let’s just get this straight that Cate Blanchett has got the biggest dick energy in the world and you cannot deny it.

It is important that we discuss how big dick energy can demolish the idea of toxic masculinity by teaching us that you do not need to be physically strong or be emotionless to be a man. It is teaching everyone about how it is okay to show your emotions and it is okay to have feminine traits because it is perfectly normal.

Also, the fact that big dick energy is a gender-neutral concept, it allows people to think differently about women in general because it proves that you do not need to be a man or have a penis to be confident or strong without being conceited. You can be a woman and still have a big dick energy and truth to be told most of the women posses BDE.

However, the concept of BDE might be taken in a completely opposite way by actually making BDE about the penis size even though this is not what the BDE concept represents.

As long as the concept of big dick energy is being used in the most harmless way till then it’s all good.

The conversation about this huge topic is not going to die any time soon and looking at the hype only confirms that this concept is here to stay for a very long time.

So, the only question remains now is that; do you think you have big dick energy? Flaunt it!