Game of Thrones Finale: Arya Stark and the Green Eyes Prophecy

Do you remember the last conversation of Arya and Melisandre?

Arya Stark - Game of Thrones - HBO
Arya Stark – Game of Thrones – HBO

Though some fans can’t get over the fact that the latest episode of Game of Thrones was a bit of a disappointment because Cersei didn’t die at the hands of one of the key characters of the show like Arya, Sansa, Dany or Jon, some fans have moved on and are looking forward to the finale. While eagerly waiting for the finale, the fans are also playing guessing games on who might kill who in the finale. One of the interesting theories that have emerged thanks to the guessing games is that Arya might get rid of Daenerys for good.


Arya Stark and Melisandre
Arya Stark and Melisandre – Game of Thrones – HBO

What got fans going on this new Game of Thrones theory is the fact that a prophecy was made by Melisandre in this season (Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 3), The Long Night. While giving a pep talk to Arya before the battle with the Night King, Melisandre predicted that Arya Stark would kill people with blue eyes, brown eyes and green eyes. By that time, Arya had already killed Walder Frey, who had brown eyes (Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode – The Winds of Winter). Shortly afterward, she killed the Night King who had blue eyes (Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 3).

After the Night King was ended for good, the fans started hoping that the green-eyed person Arya is destined to kill for good is Cersei. But to the shock of many Game of Thrones fans, Cersei died a simple death in the last episode (Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 5), The Bells. She is buried beneath her own castle with her lover/brother Jaime Lassiter.

Now that the final episode of the Game of Thrones series will air in just a few days, the fans are getting excited to think that Arya might kill the only green-eyed evil person left alive in the show, Daenerys.


Are Dany’s eyes really green?

Daenerys Targaryen - Game of Thrones
Daenerys Targaryen – Game of Thrones – HBO

The fans of Game of Thrones who are predicting that Arya will kill Dany in the final episode of the series are basing their theories on the fact that Daenerys has green eyes in the show. Their theory doesn’t hold much weight if we look at the facts from the novels of A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin on which Game of Thrones is based. In the novel, Dany’s character has purple eyes. It seems that the makers of Game of Thrones missed that detail as the Daenerys they have created (played by Emilia Clarke) apparently has green eyes.

We must add here that the makers of Game of Thrones have not offered an official confirmation on Dany’s eye colour yet and Dany’s eyes might not be green at all. They might appear to be green thanks to lighting or other factors like colour correction and editing that takes place before a TV show is aired.


Is Arya upset with Dany?

The Game of Thrones makers hinted at Arya’s anger towards Dany when they showed how Arya tried to save a mother and her kids from Dany’s anger when she was killing innocents in the process of destroying the King’s Landing. At the end of the episode, Arya’s anger is proven right as the mother and her kids are burnt to death due to Dany’s rage. Dany had demonstrated that she is capable of cruelty, terror, violence and war crimes when she attacked the soldiers who had already surrendered.

During the course of the episode, Arya can be seen witnessing the carnage around her and looking at Dany who is riding the Dragon and being a unique version of the unstoppable evil. The episode ends with Arya climbing on a white horse and going away with a sense of purpose, which might be to get rid of Dany who caused a lot of destruction just because she was angry.

What will happen in the last one hour and twenty minutes of Game of Thrones is up to the makers, we can only play guessing games and hope that the right person will sit on the Iron Throne when the show ends. After all, we all love happy endings, don’t we?