Uber Air to Boost Air Travel in Australia

We are already living in the future.

Uber Air to Boost Air Travel in Australia
Uber Air

The world of air travel is expanding day by day. A few months ago, people were going crazy over the popular Iron Man jet pack, and now the news is coming in that Uber Air might change the future of air travel in Australia. Are you interested to know more? Just keep reading.

Uber Air is planning to start test flights of an aerial taxi service in 2020 and hopes to move to commercial operations by 2023. Only three popular cities have been selected for the trial. They are Dallas, Los Angeles, and Melbourne. (Speaking of popular cities, have you checked our list of 10 asian destinations yet?)


Though Melbourne is not the most cosmopolitan or largest city of Australia, it has been chosen by Uber Air probably because it’s reasonable on both these criteria. Or maybe they just like Dirty Three or Kylie Minogue. (Do you appreciate beauty too? Check out our list of the worlds’ most instagrammable hotels) 

The Regional General Manager for Uber in Australia, North Asia, and New Zealand, Susan Anderson said that the Australian governments had adopted a forward-looking approach to future transport technology and ride sharing. This approach, when merged with unique demographic and geospatial factors and culture of technology and innovation makes Melbourne a perfect third choice. Anderson also mentioned that other Australian cities might join the list in the future.


Uber Air to Boost Air Travel in Australia
Uber Air

Uber Air plans to create electric helicopter-like aircraft that is quieter than traditional helicopters and also more ecologically friendly. The lack of noise is mainly because they don’t use turbine engines and make use of several smaller rotors to allow lift, instead of using a single large one.

Uber air has joined hands with several established aerospace companies in the country including Aurora Flight Services. Bell, EmbraerX, and Pipistrel Vertical Solutions. These partnerships aim to create helicopter-like aircraft that will be approved by the governmental agencies as soon as possible.

What do you think of Uber Air’s decision to pick Australia as the third city? Are you terrified or excited?