5 Fascinating Takes from the New Venom Trailer

These made us all excited.

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The new Venom trailer just dropped recently and in simple words fans all around the world are in awe. The trailer gave us what we should be expecting from the movie in terms of direction, and production but fans are also intrigued as the trailer does not exactly tell us everything about the movie.

The new venom trailer tells us about the basic information related to Tom Hardy’s character Eddie Brock. However, that was not it. We also got to learn other stuff from the trailer.


1 – Tom Hardy is a pretty darn good actor

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Throughout the trailer, Tom Hardy is shining. His role as the callous Venom or as Eddie Brock is so good that it might be considered as one of his defining career-best performances. The most intriguing spectrum of his acting will be the projection of Venom, and we can tell he has really worked for it.


2 – Marvel is leaving the superheroes behind for once

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Most Marvel movies are about superheroes and for them to create a dark movie like Venom really shows that they are experimenting and they are willing to adapt. As the tagline says “the world has enough superheroes”, and fans welcome it. There is no Spider-man hint given in the trailer which leaves us wondering how a Venom movie will actually turn out to be without him and guess we have to wait for it until October.


3 – The possible multiple locations of the movie

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In this new venom trailer, we noticed the location seemed like San Francisco which is kind of surprising to see because Eddie’s character in the comic book is seen in Marvel’s New York. However, there is also an aerial shot of Glasgow in the teaser so it can also be set in two different cities. We can be sure the film has been set in multiple locations.


4 – They finally got the pronunciation of symbiote

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When the first trailer of the Venom came out, most of the fans were mad due to the way Riz Ahmed was pronouncing symbiote but after watching the new venom trailer, all fans should relax now since Riz Ahmed is seen pronouncing symbiote correctly.

If you do not know the correct pronunciation, it is sym-bee-ote.


5 – There might be another symbiote to look out for


Since there is no Spider-man at least, that’s what we think, it leaves the fans wondering who is Venom going to face? The trailer is leading us to believe that there might just be a face-off between another symbiote which can be Carnage. However, saying that would be a pretty long shot and the chances of that happening seem very slim. But one can movie-gossip so there we have given you the fuel for you next gathering with the friends.


The new venom trailer definitely gave us clues for what to expect but it does not give us an entire picture yet. However, few scenes are quite amazing that it would keep the hype and anticipation around the movie alive.

Sony Entertainment