American Navy Changes Guidelines After Too Many Reports of UFO Sightings

They’re really out there.

American Navy Changes Guidelines After Too Many Reports of UFO Sightings
Photo by Cibi Chakravarthi on Unsplash

People who love science fiction like Star Wars are going to love this news. It has been reported that more US navy pilots are reporting seeing unidentified objects that can fly for hours. To handle these frequent supposed UFO sightings, the US Navy has issued fresh guidelines on such encounters. What did the US Navy pilots see and was it real? Read on to know.


The reporting of these apparent UFO sightings was streamlined in 2007 when the Pentagon initiated the shadowy program known as Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. The number of reports on the apparent UFO sightings was at a peak between 2014 and 2015 as such reports were coming in daily on the East Coast of the US. Many navy pilots reported that they had seen flying objects that had no visible exhaust plumes or engine, but they had hypersonic speeds. (If you like spooky stuff, perhaps you’ll like the Stranger Things trailer.)

In late 2014, a Super Hornet pilot reported that he had a near collision with UFO. The pilot suspected the flying objects to be UFO sightings because the things were in the air for 12 hours, which is 11 hours longer than people expect.


In most cases, however, these UFO sightings turned out to be instances of commercial drones. One of the experts on the matter believes that the Navy pilots might not be lying. They saw something suspicious, but the suspicious turned out to be bugs in the code for the display and imaging systems, neurological overload from various inputs during high-speed flight and atmospheric effects and reflection.


To reduce the number of reports on unverified UFO sightings, the US Navy has issued new guidelines on how to report suspicious flying objects, especially those which fly near sensitive military facilities.

Well, we are not satisfied with the explanation that most of the UFO sightings were just commercial drones. We think it to be a possibility that there is something here on Earth the science hasn’t understood yet. It can be something related to the E.T., or it might not be related at all. Maybe it will be the newest discovery of this century!