Did You Know Push-Ups Can Prevent Heart Disease?

If you do this number of push-ups in a set, you’ll lower the risk by 96%!

A man doing push-ups.
Photo by Sam Owoyemi on Unsplash


Push-ups are a great exercise that can help you tone your upper body like shoulder, pecs and triceps. But did you anytime get to hear that push-ups can increase your lifespan? Yes, simple push-ups can reduce the chances of dying with heart disease. That means, it is not just a best way to burn fat, but also helps you live longer and prevent heart disease. But the question now is, how many push-ups one has to do per day?

When you ask someone how many push-ups they do per set, most of them would answer 25 to 30 push-ups. It is a pretty good number, but according to a recent study by the Harvard, it has to be 40. This study was conducted on a number of people for almost 10 years by Harvard. So, those men who can do at least 40 push-ups a day will have 96 percent lesser risk of a heart related health issue.

1104 active men between the age group 21 to 66 were allowed to participate in the study. Out of 1104 men, only 37 men developed some kind of heart diseases, all but one of that group were unable to perform 40 push-ups per day. So, this shows that exercise effectively prevent heart disease but when you are able to perform more push-ups every day. There are even men, who were doing 100 push-ups a day or combined the push-ups with treadmill related exercises for better results. The study was completed with an annual physical examination and a questionnaire related to their health and lifestyle.

Overall, results show that push-ups prevent heart disease, but you need to make sure that you take care of your overall health. You need to eat healthy and stay fit in order to avoid any kind of heart related or cardiovascular health issues. The other ways to improve your cardiovascular health is proper diet like Mediterranean diet, strength training and cardio exercises. It is not really tough to knock out 40 push-ups a day, so just go for it. Remember to start slow and then increase gradually if you are doing it for the first time.