5 Most Amazing Places to Visit in Japan

Japan’s history makes it a country steeped in tradition, while its ever-evolving culture keeps it fresh and exciting.

A night time photo of a street in Japan.
Photo by Jase Bloor on Unsplash

Japan has increasingly become the most favourable destination for the tourists in recent times; from ultra-modern, techno-laden, full of wonder cities to ancient, culture-rooted, off-the-beaten, yet to be explored towns and places, Japan has got it all. If you are planning your next trip, here is the list of 5 most amazing places to visit in Japan.


‘Onsen’ for your mind, body, and soul

Onsen, or the popularly known as Hot Springs, are considered favourite among the Japanese. Once you are in one of the world’s most liveable cities, Tokyo, you can head over to Ikaho Onsen which is located in Gunma Perfecture. The most special thing about this place is the presence of both Kinsen (Golden Water), and Ginsen (Silver Water). Surrounded by a graceful shrine, its 300 stone-steps are emblematic.

If you visit Yamaguchi Perfecture, you will find another Onsen there known as Yunoki Jisho. It is famous for its carbonated Hot Spring and it has spiritual importance since it is believed that this Hot Spring will wash away the dirt in your pores, and relieves all pain. Onsen have got the attention recently after tourists have read about them over internet and have rightfully become one of the most spiritual and astounding places to visit in Japan.


Book and Bed Tokyo for you guessed right

If you like to travel and read, then Book and Bed Tokyo will be the place you would have wished that you discovered before. It’s a hostel which offers beds but there’s a twist: they’re fitted inside bookshelves!

When you’re off to Kyoto, the Book and Bed branch there holds more than 5,000 books available to be read. This is the resting place you won’t want to miss. Do consider it on your next visits if you haven’t done it yet and if you are the first-time visitor, then you will love the experience even if you don’t read a lot. This place just might make you a good reader, you never know!


Hitachi Seaside Park, Wonderland on Earth

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茨城県ひたちなか市・国営ひたち海浜公園 . 緑のコキアを見に行ってきました? 真っ赤になったコキアも見たいですが、緑のモコモコも可愛らしかったです? . . Camera : Nikon D750 Lens : Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR . . #国営ひたち海浜公園 #ひたち海浜公園 #コキア #ひたちなか市 #茨城県 #HitachiSeasidePark #Kochia #Hitachinaka #Ibaraki #Japan #Nikon #D750 #instagram #instagramjapan #tokyocameraclub #土曜日の小旅行 #東京カメラ部 #TandDフォトコンテスト #discover #とびっきりペリエ #jalan_natsu #jalan_travel . いいね!のお礼コメント、フォローの事前確認は不要です。よろしくお願いいたします?

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Hitachi Seaside Park is in the northern proximity of Hitachinaka. There will you find the most scenic and picturesque Miharashi Hills bedding Kochia leaves on its paths and becoming the red and other times sky blue to give a mythical and fairytale look and feel.


Eikando Temple for Cherry Blossoms and Magical Experience

One of the many reasons you will find people in Kyoto is the Cherry Blossom season in fall. It’s lit with crowds and 3,000 trees and you can stay until evening to witness the pagoda to have a magical experience. You will be able to walk around many places there where you could catch the fall foliage. This is one of the most anticipated events you would not want to miss in this country, another addition to your travel bucket list of Asian destinations.


Kobushi Ramen for Your Cravings

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京都/拳ラーメン@東急たまプラーザ店・京都老舗名店の味にて、京鴨のどぐろ煮干しそば(淡)。 但馬牛そぼろ担々麺との2本立て&日替り限定、この日は鶏白湯そば。 先日の新宿小田急催事はのどぐろでしたが、今回は鴨&のどぐろとバージョンアップ。淡口醤油と出汁はあっさりではなく、塩味強く主張してくる印象。 #拳ラーメン #京都 #東急たまプラーザ店 #京都老舗名店の味 #京鴨のどぐろ煮干しそば #淡口醤油 #あっさりじゃなく強いスープ #会場暑くてちょっと大変 #醤油ラーメン #ラーメン #拉麺 #ラーメンインスタグラマー #インスタグラ麺 #麺スタグラム #麺スタグラマー #麺活 #kobushiramen #kyoto #tokyudepartmentstore #tamaplazashop #kyotofoodfestival #duckandnodoguroniboshiramen #lightsoysauce #duck #nodoguro #driednodoguro #shoyuramen #ramen

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Explore and eat your heart out at less-famous shops which are situated outside Kyoto Station. Shinpuku Saikan is famous for its unsalted soy sauce and if you like flavoured soups to try with cow bone, seafood, or chicken (try Kuro Jidori) then Kobushi Ramen is the place to be and eat. Their Ramen Koi with boiled egg will reinvigorate, and replenish your senses.

Japan, despite being a relatively small country, has places of wonder, traditions, temples, shrines, geishas, and modern, luxurious cities. There are many places to visit in Japan, most of them have remained underrated and yet to be explored on large scale by the tourists, but make a note of not missing on these places mentioned here to make your trip a memorable one.