Love, Death and Robots is Greater Than You Think

An anthology of graphic shorts but with long-term effects.

Love, Death and Robots - Netflix
Love, Death and Robots – Netflix

Tim Miller and David Fincher are ready to take animation for adults to the next level with Love, Death and Robots. Knowing the background of Fincher, who directed The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Seven, Deadpool and other mind-blowing movies, it was expected that Netflix’s Love, Death and Robots will have the surreal spun with gripping surprises but it was the level of narrative that everyone doubted.


Love, Death and Robots - Netflix
Love, Death and Robots – Netflix

Fortunately, Fincher has not only lived up to the expectation but has given more than expected to the viewers with six to 17 minutes long episodes that will glue you to the screen and let your mind travel in another world in a short span of time. Most of the episodes of Love, Death and Robots adapt science-fiction as well as chilling, thriller short stories, whereas some are truly breathtaking like “The Witness”.


It feels like Netflix has tried in Love, Death and Robots to do experimentation in making wit, drama, nudity and violence marry unimaginable brutality, which will definitely increase with each episode. Nevertheless, this “love letter to nerds” as called by Miller himself is going to sometime make the viewer delve in deep thought depending on the order they watch the episodes.


A few episodes are going to be more frightening, like “Secret War” and “Sonnie’s Edge.” Netflix, calls “Secret War” “an unholy evil deep in the ancient forests of Siberia.” and about “Sonnie’s Edge” it is said that it will do the portrayal of gladiator fights of monsters which will bring brutality in a new light.


Love, Death and Robots - Netflix
Love, Death and Robots – Netflix

Undoubtedly, Love, Death, and Robots will not only keep the viewers at the edge of their seat, but will also definitely make them wanting more. The most intriguing thing about this series by Netflix is that it covers all sorts of genres with no long scariness, which keeps the audience glued to it without going overboard.

So, do not miss this new season from Netflix. Apart from this, also do not forget to catch more about Netflix’s the Umbrella academy and the latest on the Netflix-Marvel collaboration.