Style Guide: 6 Attention-Grabbing Spring/Summer Fashion Trends for Men in 2018

Check out what’s hot this season

Style Guide: 6 Attention-Grabbing Spring/Summer Fashion Trends for Men in 2018
Photo by Julian Howard on Unsplash

With September comes the spring in this hemisphere of the globe and with it we look at the men’s Spring/Summer fashion trends which will hit the streets. Chances of you already having the fashion trends of your own are higher, even if you do not admit it. Look at your wardrobe, and the collection you own would reveal your fashion sense. We won’t tell you to throw it all away but help you with few tricks and changes to go along with the seasonal trends and not come off as peculiar.


Side-Stripe Trousers

Three photos of men wearing sporty trousers with side stripes.

Let’s kick-it off with the trousers; sometimes denim or jeans is not the answer to everything. When it comes to springtime and summers, you should aim for “athleisure” for your street-wear. It should give the vibe of sporty, yet spice. Wearing trousers with lines on their sides will give you that look and feel. Add a slim-fit shirt and you would come off as trendy AF. Try it out and let us know how many compliments you got.


Shirts with Vertical Stripes

Two potos of men wearing shirts with vertical stripes.

We will not recommend it with side-stripe trousers, though. Only the bold ones can pull it off. However, the t-shitrs and shirts with vertical stripes on them will remain one of the prominent men’s Spring/Summer fashion trends and the trick will be the size of stripes: buy the ones with narrow spacing, and straight, and the best ones will look on the short-sleeved shirts.


Loose-Fit Denims

A Photo of three men wearing straight denim jeans in different styles.

Alright, we know men can’t live without their denims and there’s a reason that you would see them in every season. However, trick for this SS18 season for not coming off as boring and monotonous is to wear the ones with loose-fit. You can try the cropped designs, folded at feet, and pair them with loose-fitting shirts or even trainers along with Chelsea boots. You can try these in evening gatherings. No joggers or sneakers with skinny jeans this spring.


Tonal Attire

Three men wear tonal outfits in maroon, brown and blue.

Tonal outfits make the dressing just that little bit better and easier. All navy, all black, all white, all gray, you name it, you have choices for your formal party-wear but don’t take the word “all” too literally. If you are going with gray suit and gray paints, then keep your shirt or t-shirt in white shade. Wear your Navy suit with Navy trousers but keep the shirt in black. That will gain you some commending glances. It’s all about clothing combos and what you do with them.


Tropical Clothing

Two men wearing tropical themed shirts.

Yes, this is the fashion territory you need to explore this season as it has made its way in to go-to men’s spring/summer fashion trends of 2018. We cannot emphasize enough. To pull it off, you would require dark coloured chinos, or dress paints and make sure that your tropical print shirt is not tucked in. Pair it off with your laced-up polished shoes or laced-up sneakers and you will have our congratulations. On what should be the tropical patterns on shirts, look at designer collections online this SS18 and you will grasp the idea of prints better.


Checks Attire

Two men wearing checks flannel shirts.

Checks are never out of the season, but every season has their own depiction of the checks and this spring/summer, you would need to wear checks with larger designs or motifs. You can try bright and vibrant colours which are more complex and uneven in their pattern sizes or you can also go with classy black and white but that we would recommend for your evenings. For your daytime business, go with checks shirts which have tone of pink, red, or violet on them.