There’s a Starbucks Cup in the Latest Episode of Game of Thrones

GoT coffee?

There's a Starbucks Cup in the Latest Episode of Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 4

For all those who love drinking coffee (by the way, it can help you live longer), Game of Thrones season 8 episode 4 has a treat for them. Yes, its a Starbucks latte. The mistake by the designing team has given free advertisement to Starbucks and it becomes clear that even Mother of Dragon is fond of it.

There's a Starbucks Cup in the Latest Episode of Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 4


Game of Thrones, which is a series made at a whopping budget has always been about perfection. However, this time it seems that even a budget of around $15 million for the final season couldn’t stop making crazy things happen.

The latest episode of Game of Thrones have been splendid to watch and had many twists and turns. For instance, the death of Missandei and the unveiling of Jon’s reality as a son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark to Sansa and Arya will boggle your mind that what next will roll out. If sources are to be believed then the next episode will be showing the “Last War” sequence which is going to break the record of even Lord of Rings war sequence. In the words of Emily Clarke to Jimmy Kimmel Live is “Find the biggest TV you have”, as in episode 5 something crazy happens.


However, a two-dollar Starbucks cup on episode 4 of Game of Thrones season 8 was not even noticed by the team of HBO GOT. Some fans noticed that during the evening celebration where Dany is looking at Jon when Tormund toast him and showers him with praises, there itself a disposable white and green coffee cup sits on the table.

Definitely, it seems weird as the first Starbucks opened not at the medieval times where the fictional Westeros is set. Instead, it opened in 1971 and so, how come Daenerys Targaryen gets her cup of Starbucks.


It gave the fans of social media to come up with some witty memes. Starbucks seemed to be more interested in advertising its Dragon drink by giving a sly response to the coffee controversy of Game of Thrones. Starbucks official Twitter account tweet says that

“TBH we’re surprised she didn’t order a Dragon Drink.”

For the information, Starbucks Dragon Drink is a “tropical-inspired pick-me-up” that includes mango, coconut milk with dragon fruit.

HBO in an email on Monday said that it was a “craft services coffee cup” and “The latte that appeared in the episode was a mistake. Daenerys had ordered an herbal tea.”