Time to Crown Scotch as the Official Summer Drink!

Relax, drink up and enjoy the summer vibes!


Scotch in a low ball glass.
Photo by Adam Jaime on Unsplash


Truth to be told you do not need a season to drink scotch because it’s pretty darn good but the thing is drinking scotch on a warm summer night tastes so much better. Just imagine having a barbecue party and sipping scotch with your warm food, feels nice, isn’t it?


Scottish people cannot get enough of scotch and you might think I am kidding but it’s true. Scotch is their ultimate summer drink since a long time. Scottish barbecue is incomplete without a scotch and on top of it; the Scots do not necessarily drink scotch in the conventional way. They add their own twists to it and some of them even make their own cocktails by using scotch. You can find loads of easy cocktail recipes containing scotch all over the internet.


Scots not only make their own cocktails using scotch but they even add water to it sometimes. However, how much amount of water they add to their glass of scotch is all dependable on their personal choice. A guy who distills whiskies and beer said and I quote “On a technical level, putting water in actually helps you taste more” So, it is all about your own preference.


Scotch earned the title of summer drink due to its ability to have this distinct flavour even if you add things of your liking to it. It does not matter if you are adding soda, water or ice to it because once you drink it, you will be able to taste scotch and that is literally a game changer.


The fact that you can enjoy your scotch in countless ways is truly a blessing. Even though in the past Scots stopped playing around with the flavours of scotch and went to their old ways of single-malts but that changed really quickly since people from Scotland can’t stop wanting blends and it’s not only the Scottish people who are crazy about it. Americans and English people are as crazy about the blends of scotch as well. Plenty of distilleries of Scotch such as Jim Beam and Kentucky Bourbon shops use barrels to age their scotch and they only do it because it makes it taste more enjoyable.


So, this summer enjoy scotch as much as you can because missing out on the summer drink would be such a shame and you wouldn’t want to do that, would you? However, drinking all that scotch during your summer might give you the hangover you always avoid so, remember to keep your best getting over a hangover tips always in your mind, they will definitely come in handy during the summer.



Moreover, if your friends are missing out on the experience enjoying scotch during a barbecue party then make them have a scotch with their food on a hot summer night because they will be thankful for the wonderful experience at the end and they will finally understand why scotch is such a perfect drink for the summer time.