Marvel Studios All Set to Animate Marvel What If Series

A series that will alter your favourite Marvel movies.

Avengers: Infinity War
Avengers: Infinity War – Marvel Studios – Walt Disney Studios


All wait for new animated series is soon going to come to an end with the Marvel What If series which will be rolled out for the upcoming Disney+ streaming service. The fans of the comic book series “what if”, which had strange alternate versions of the Marvel Universe, can expect new and exciting things to be unraveled.

The Marvel What If is expected to be developed series by Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios just like the Loki series, which has already been announced and will star Tom Hiddleston. This new series will have much more new twists and turns with each episode planning to offer a new take on the altering of events of Marvel’s existing 21-plus movie canon.


Things could go weirder in the upcoming Disney+ series

Some of the popular shows of Marvel, such as ABC’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. were more of reactive stories to the important canon of the Marvel movies, and that is why no big changes swiveled in the story which would interfere with the major plotlines of the films. However, the same is not going to be true for Marvel What If Disney+ series, where the framework gives space to Marvel to make the situation more weird by trying to be more hypothetical without corrupting the next Avengers movie.

There are chances that some of the bigger stars of Marvel make appearances in the animated version of What if because of the lower lift of recording voice lines with respect to the cost and time constraints of getting popular Mark Ruffalo, Robert Downey Jr. on TV show sets.


The awesome world of “Marvel What If”

Marvel Studios All Set to Animate Marvel What If Series
Marvel Comics

In the year 1977, February, What If comic book series was rolled out and since then it has continued in runs off with nearly 200 issues in its 9 volume run. Stories weaved around the concepts like “What if the X-Men died on their first mission?” or “what if Venom possessed The Punisher?”, and many other weird endearing questions had been answers to the nerd questions.

It will be better to wait for the unveiling of this Disney+ series and for now hit jump to the Falcon and Winter Soldier series and take a look at the new Avengers: Endgame trailer.