Showrunners Breaks Silence Over Game of Thrones Issues

The coffee cup, the heaping Emmy nominations and prequels

Mixed Reactions of Fans from Game of Thrones Finale
Game of Thrones – HBO

The Game of Thrones has finally ended, fans had wildly different opinions on the GoT finale. The final episode saw Bran Stark named king after Snow killed Dany, causing Drogon to burn the Iron Throne to the ground.

Fans didn’t hold back their reactions online — and many were disappointed with the way it unfolded. Many viewers expressed their disappointment in Bran taking the Throne resulting in an infamous petition for season eight to be remade being signed by over 1.7 million fans and diatribes against the showrunners.

Showrunners Breaks Silence Over Game of Thrones Issues
Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 6 – HBO


It’s undeniable, however, the Game of Thrones creators will leave a lasting impression on the TV landscape and fans too. Since its debut in 2011, the fanbase and viewership grew by millions every season. There’s a pile of Game of Thrones Emmy nominations, 32 in all, the most ever accumulated for a show during a single season compared to the 22 Emmy nominations it garnered in 2017 for the seventh season.

We won’t know till September 22 the number of Emmy awards that HBO bag for the blockbuster series.


Critics and fans noticed a blunder, a Starbucks-looking coffee cup in the scene of episode four, The Last of the Starks, when Daenerys Targaeryn was seen glaring at Jon Snow.

“In Persian rugs it’s tradition that you make a little mistake when you’re making the rug because only God can do anything perfect,” stated by Beinoff. 

“That’s why I put the coffee cup there. It was a conscious, concerted statement of our imperfection,” Weiss joked.

Showrunners Breaks Silence Over Game of Thrones Issues
A Starbucks cup in episode 4 of Game of Thrones

In all seriousness though, it was a mistake that Benioff admitted embarrassed the pair.

“We were concentrating so much on Daenerys and Jon Snow and we just didn’t see this coffee cup right in the middle. At first I couldn’t believe it, and then it was embarrassment because, ‘how did we not see this coffee cup in the middle of the shot?’

“And then, eventually, it was just funny. This one is just a mistake, and it’s kind of funny to us now.”

The cup was edited out of the Games of Thrones’ episode, if you watch it you won’t be able to spot it anymore.


George R. R. Martin the author of A Song of Ice and Fire, the inspiration for HBO’s Game of Thrones. is working on another bestseller, Fire and Blood. According to Martin, only Jane Goldman’s project has come anywhere close to getting off the ground thus far. It’s a Game of Thrones prequel set thousands of years in the past, in a Westeros very different from the one viewers and fans know so well.

Here’s wishing that mates in Australia had a blast watching the season-ending episodes of Game of Thrones